kachchi sadak
कच्ची सड़क = UNMETALLED ROADउदाहरण : आज भी गॉवों मे कच्ची सड़क देखने को मिलती है !
Usage : By the turn of the last century, there were 37, 000 miles of metalled and 136, 000 miles of unmetalled roads.
Usage : By the turn of the last century, there were 37, 000 miles of metalled and 136, 000 miles of unmetalled roads.
(noun) +18
कच्ची सड़क = DIRT ROADउदाहरण : गत शताब्दी के बदलते बदलते, देश में 37,000 मील पक़्की सड़कों और 1,36,000 मील कच्ची सड़कें बन गयी थीं.
Usage : By the end of the last century, the country had 37,000 miles of paved roads and 136,000 miles of dirt roads.
Usage : By the end of the last century, the country had 37,000 miles of paved roads and 136,000 miles of dirt roads.
(Noun) +10
कच्ची सड़क = NON-METALLIC ROADUsage : By the turn of the last century, the country had 37,000 miles of paved roads and 136,000 miles of non-metallic roads.
(Noun) +3
कच्ची सड़क = ROAD, UNMETALLEDUsage : By the end of the last century, the country had 37,000 miles of paved roads and 136,000 miles of unmetalled roads.
(Noun) +1
कच्ची सड़क = NON-SURFACED ROADUsage : By the end of last century, the country had 37,000 miles of paved roads and 136,000 miles of non-surfaced roads.
(Noun) +1